!! Featured Preachers
Who Are Already In
Heaven !!
Men such as Arthur Blackburn, , J.F. Akers,
Dr. B.B. Caldwell, Henkle Little, Dr. B.R. Lakin, ,
Dr. Harold Sightler Maze Jackson, Joe Parsons, Dr. Percy Ray, Dr. R.G. Lee,
Dr. Bill Kanoy, and others who will be a blessing to your spiritual life.

Click on the Bible Icon
to hear the message.
Enjoy this message by a great preacher
of the past!!
Updated- Feb.2 -2020

Sermon #1 is a message on
Assurance by Dr. Curtis Hutson
Click the Bible icon to hear

Sermon #2 is a
Message from Dr. Alan Redpath

Sermon #3 is a
Message from George
W. Truett

Click on the Bible below to find out
more about CD albums that are available
from great preaches of the past who have
gone on to Heaven to recieved their rewards.

We do have
Cd's and DVD's available of some of the great preachers of the past, which you hear on the
Preacher's Corner. We have a need to pay someone to help type out some of the sermon
material and to pay for equipment recently acquired. Your purchase of the albums or the
books will enable us to carry on this ministry for God's people. Any donation or
gift will be used properly for the furthering of this ministry.
