Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Bridal Studies #2



Isaac is a wonderful picture or type of our Lord Jesus and Rebekah is a type of the Church and all of the redeemed. This wedding is a type of the union of the Lord and his loved ones (John 1 5). Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches..." There are four people involved in this wedding.

Abraham Type of God the Father

Eliezer Type of the Holy Spirit

Isaac Type of the Lord Jesus Christ

Rebekah Type of the Church, Body of Christ

I. Abraham.

A. Meaning of name.

1. Abram: Lofty or high father.

a. It is spelled the same in Hebrew (ab-rawm').

b. This is the original name of Abraham.

2. Abraham: To be populous; father of many, a multitude; the chief of many tribes.

a. It is spelled the same in Hebrew (ab-raw-hawm').

b. This is the latter name of Abram.

B. Principle scriptures: Genesis 11:26- 26:5; 32:9; 49:30; Matthew 1:1; 3:9; John 8:33-58; Romans 4:1-3; Galatians 3:29; Hebrews 2:16; 6:13; 7:1-9; 11:8-19.

C. Typology.

1. A type of God the Father. (Genesis 24:2)

2. A type of the true believer from the standpoint of faith. (Romans 4:3)

D. Purpose.

1. A type of God to show the origin of our salvation.

a. The seeking of a bride for His son. (Genesis 24)

2. A type of believer to show the necessity of exercising our faith.

E. Background.

1. Abraham was the son of Terah of the city of Ur in the Chaldees.

2. His father was an idolmaker. (Joshua 24:1-2)

F. The call.

1. Get out. (Genesis 12:1)

2. Abraham*s seed was to be kept separate from the heathen world around them which was to result in the direct desire of all nations. (Haggai 2:7)

G. Incomplete obedience: Genesis 11:31; Acts 7:2-4

1. The ties of nature hindered his full response.

a. He tarried until nature's ties were snapped by death.

b. When the obstacle was removed, God spoke again.

2. There was no fresh revelation to Abraham during his sojourn in Haran.

H. Offered his son on Mt. Moriah. (Genesis 22:2; cf John 3:16)

I. Had faith God would restore him some way. (Genesis 22:5)

J. Substitutionary Atonement. (Genesis 22:8, 13)

K. Sought a wife for his son through the servant. (Genesis 24:2-4)

II. Eliezer.

A. In Hebrew is Eliyezer (el-ee-eh'-zer).

B. Meaning of name: God of help; protect or aid.

C. Three men of this name are mentioned in the principle Scriptures.

1. The chief servant of Abraham, the Damascene slave. (Genesis 1 5:2-6; Genesis 24:1-67)

2. The son of Moses, by Zipporah who was the daughter of Jethro. (Exodus 18:4; I Chronicles 23:15)

3. A prophet who opposed the alliance of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, with Ahaziah, King of Israel, to build ships that were to go to Tarshish. (II Chronicles 20:37a)

a. Later the ships were wrecked and were not able to go to Tarshish. (II Chronicles 20:37b.

D. Typology.

1. A type of the Holy Spirit, in his work.

a. Name is not mentioned. (Genesis 15:2)

E. Purpose.

1. To show that the message must be delivered by the Holy Spirit, the servant, in order to bring the bride.

a. No one else has the authority.

2. To amplify the completeness of our salvation in the hands of God.

3. The servant tells of the riches and greatness of the master. (Genesis 24:34-36; cf John 16:13-1 5)

4. The bride was BROUGHT by the servant. (Genesis 24:61)

III. Isaac.

A. The Hebrew word is Yitschaq (yits-khawk).

B. Meaning of name: To be bright; conspicuous; to laugh; laughter mockery both in merriment and scorn. (as in Psalms 2:4).

C Principle scriptures: Genesis 17:19; 18:12-15; 21:3-22:13;

24:1-28:13; 31:18; 32:9; 35:12-29; 46:1; 48:15; 49:31;

50:24; Exodus 2:24; 3:15; Matthew 8:11; 22:32; Romans

9:7; Galatians 4:28; Hebrews 11:9-20.

D. Typology.

1. A type of the Lord Jesus Christ.

a. In being offered up.

b. In the bride being brought to him.

2. A type of the sinner who is facing death, but finds a substitute to take his place.

E. Purpose.

1. To teach obedience to the command of sacrifice for first fruits.

a. The sacrifice of self-will for the will of God.

2. To teach redemption comes through substitution.

F. A type of Christ.

1. His birth was a picture of the virgin birth.

a. It was necessarily an act of God. (Genesis 18:11; 21:5; Romans 4:3, 18-22; Isaiah 7:14)

2. He was the son of promise. (Genesis 12:3; 1 5:4-6;

17:16; 18:10, 14, 18; 21:1-3, 12; Romans 8:3; 9:8; Galatians 3:8, 13-15, 19; 4:4)

3. He was the only son. (Genesis 12:7; 17:19; 22:2, 16)

a. The head of the new order, first fulfilled in Isaac. (Galatians 3:28-29)

4. Sole heir of his father's fortune. (Genesis 21:10; 24:35; Hebrews 11:18; I John 5:9-1 1)

5. He obeyed the command of God for sacrifice.

a. Picture of death. (Genesis 22:2)

b. The fulfilled law. (Matthew 5:17-18; Romans 12:1; Galatians 3:13)

6. He was offered up. (Genesis 22:10; Hebrews 11:17; John 3:16)

7. He received the resurrection. (Genesis 22:4, 1 3; Hebrews 11:19; Romans 4:23-25)

8. He waited for the bride to be brought to him. (Genesis 24:8, 54, 61)

IV Rebekab.

A. The Hebrew word is Ribquh (rib-kaw').

B. Meaning of name: Fettering (by beauty); a noose (by which men are snared or bound); a tied up calf or lamb (one therefore peculiarly choice and fat); stalled (in the sense of being well-fed, content).

C. Principle scriptures: Genesis 22:20-49:3 1 (24:20-24; 24:15; 25:20; 26:7; 27:5; 49:31); Romans 9:10.

D. Typology.

1. A type of the Church.

a. The bride.

b. The sinner sought out.

2. She was related to Abraham but was not a direct descendant (Abraham was called away from his family). (Genesis 24:15, 24, 37-38)

3. She was a Gentile (same as the Church). (Acts 15:14; Ephesians 2:11)

E. Purpose.

1. To show our salvation was decreed by another (the Father).

2. To show our salvation was received by the hearing of the message, faith.

3. To show the necessity of making our decision known. (Romans 10:10)

F. A type of the Church.

1. The calling of the bride followed the figure who had already passed through death and resurrection.

a. She was called from the Gentiles.

(1) This is a picture of the conversion of a sinner and its effects.

2. She was the object of love. (Genesis 24:4; I John 4:19; cf I John 3:11)

3. She was sought out by the servant. (Genesis 24:9)

4. She was made known at the well before the gate (the well of living water). (Genesis 24:11, 16, 19, 27; cf John 4)

5. She was a Gentile. (Genesis 24:15, 24, 37-38; Acts 9:15; 13:46-48, 15:7, 14; 28:28; Romans 11:11; 15:9)

6. She was offered the privilege of becoming the bride. (Genesis 24:22)

7. She was given a token of the riches. (Genesis 24:53; cf II Corinthians 5:5)

a. Genesis 24:53.

(1) Jewels of Silver: Redemption money; slave market.

(2) Jewels of Gold: Kingdom; position; glory; divinity.

(3) Raiment: Clothing; be covered; righteousness.

b. Genesis 24:30.

(1) Ring: Type of the pure and perfect care which the Lord exercises over his Bride because of the relationship between them.

(a) It tells of a devotion and care that will not be broken.

(b) Always sufficient.

(c) Constant without end. (cf Song of Solomon 5:14)

8. She was called upon for a decision. (Genesis 24:55-56)

a. Asked to marry a man whom she had not seen. (cf I Peter 1:8)

b. While the messenger was present. (cf " of salvation." II Corinthians 6:2)

c. Could not be on the fence. (cf Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23)

9. Answer was made known.

a. I will go. (Genesis 24: 57-58; cf Romans 10:10; II Corinthians 8:5, 12; Hebrews 3:7)

10. She obeyed the servant. (Genesis 24:61)

a. She did not try to choose her own path.

b. She was satisfied to follow the servant.

(1) He had been that way before.

(2) A guide was necessary.

11. She did not get married or see the groom as soon as she said yes.

12. Groom revealed by the Spirit at the rapture. (Genesis 24:65)

13. She was clothed with the garments of salvation. (Genesis 24:64; Revelation 19:7-8)

Study By Dr. Bill Kanoy


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